The Genuine, Original Dixie Midnight
No-Sweat vent pad

Our 28th Year -- 1996 -- 2024
28 years of helping you and your horses have a better life.
To our thousands of customers -- Thank You, each and every one!
... and here it is!

Hi! I'm Karl. The guy who came up with the No-Sweatent pad. I'm the guy wearing the cowboy hat. The other guy is a Palomino gelding named Midnight, call name Stonewall. That's a long story--maybe some other time,okay? I'd like to tell you what's been happening here at Dixie Midnight for the last few years. It's sort of interesting. You know I've been building No- Sweat vent pads and offering them world-wide for quite a while. Well -- here's how my No-Sweat adventue ended: Things started going sideways when my lovely wife of many years developed Diabetic Alzheimer's. We fought it for years, but one day the Good Lord told her she had done her best, but it was time to come Home and He took her Home. She went easy, and then she was gone. There were just the two of us, so I picked up the load and took care of the house, property, barns, buildings, equipment, Horses, the No-Sweat business and me. I got the hang of it all pretty quickly, and thank goodness I can cook pretty well (I think so, anyway). Until.. A few months after that, it really hit the fan. I got run over by 3 horses as I was letting them into the arena, one of the boys bit the girl on the flank, and she jumped forward, knocking me down, running over my right leg. Then the other two followed behind her, also running all 12 feet over my right leg. It hurt. A lot. But nothing broken. That started the arthritis, which led to the hip replacement last year, which led to me not being able to work at all, which led to selling my horses, which led me to a most competent and capable horsewoman who is in the process of buying my Dixie Midnight business, and will continue making No-Sweat vent pads. And that's the story!!
Back to the begiing: 28 years go -- a long time ago, isnt it? That's when the years of trying finally paid off, and a whole new life began for me. Thirty years of having my own companies manufacturing forestry equipment, making boats, advanced composite developing, for the electronics indusry, transportation, industrial production components, telephone installation support equipment to name a few, there was always something new to invent improve upon. It was a busy time.
And through it all, Horses. Quarters, Paints, Arabians, Standardbreds. If it had a mane, tail, hooves and flies, I just loved it. I even enjoyed cleaning stalls, and trimming feet. Then, in 1992, while fiddling around with some unrelated components, I accidentally came up wih a very tough mat-like material. It was impervious to water,which ran right through it,not affecting the material! Cool! now--what's it good for, how can I use it? So I thought about it, my wife thought about it and after some time doing that, we figured out that this stuff under a saddle pad would keep the horse's sweat from soaking the saddle pad. Which meant we didn't have to wash saddlepads ever again. WOW!
So--I made a couple up and we put them under our saddle pads for a long ride that was coming up. To make a long story short, after the hours-long ride in 80-90 degree weather, the saddle pads were clean and dry, not the slightest bit of rubs or irritation to their backs. WOW!
NOW, We've gottta do extensive testing to find out where they WON'T work. LOTS of time under saddle, trying everything we could think of to make it fail. After two years of trying, we couldn't make them fai! We offered them for people to test for us for free for one year, and when that year was up, NObody wanted to give them back! They loved em!
Now we needed a name, so one night at supper, my wife said let's name it after our first two horses, Dixie the mare and Midnight the gelding.
And Dixie Midnight was born; fine and healthy, rarin' to go! And its been helping horses and riders around the world ever since, on five continents and more than a few islands. Wherever there's horses, there's No-Sweats. And we were off. More and more every year. can read about that up above (if you haven't already.)
So...What does it do for me?
The Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad positively keeps your saddle pad clean and dry and your horse's back cooler.
No matter how much or how hard you ride.
For as long as you own it, or your money back. You only buy it ONCE. It doesn't wear out.
Wanna see? Check it out:
Oh, yeah ... one more thing ... if you use the Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad on your horse(s),
you'll never wash a saddle pad again.
Because they don't get sweaty, dirty, wet, icky, or nasty.
If your saddle pads don't get wet, you don't have to wash them, and you get a MUCH longer life from them.
And ... your new No-Sweat vent pad won't wear out. You only buy it once.
Would you like to have a Genuine, Original Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad?
I'll bet you would!
And it's the absolutely PERFECT Gift!
Click HERE to go to the online store and get your very own Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad today!
Or ... you can call us to place your order (we're really nice people) Toll-Free at 1-888-287-6716
We love talking with horse people!
For your safety and security, we use no Facebook, no Twitter, no Social Media, and no Amazon.
To The Tens Of Thousands Of Our Customers From All Over The World — We Sincerely Thank You!
To All Of The Tens Of Thousands Of You Who Aren't Our Customers Yet — Welcome! We'll build a No-Sweat vent pad for you, too!
The Best In Quality. The Best In Service. The Best In Performance.
Made in America, of American materials, by Americans since 1996.
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