Read THIS To Find Out WHY The Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad REALLY Works!
Take 2 minutes to read about the No-Sweat vent pad, below. It's really worth it!!
How The No-Sweat vent pad Helps Your Horse
When your horse is working, a little or a lot, he's using his muscles to create movement. That movement generates heat.
Too much heat within your horse's body can cause real problems for your horse, so he has several ways of cooling himself.
Blood vessels and tiny capillaries near the skin's surface cool the blood, which moves through his body, cooling him.
To get the most cooling, your horse will sweat, carrying heat away, and also evaporating, cooling the blood in the capillaries and vessels.
Less internal heat makes for a more comfortable, better-working horse.
The heat generated inside your horse is the same as any other heat. It rises. It rises to his back.
That's the largest area to which your horse's internal heat will rise.
Ordinarily, that would be just fine, except that we, as riders, have put a saddle pad, then a saddle, and then a rider on his back.
That keeps a lot of the heat inside your horse's body, so.... where does that heat go that's under your horse's saddle pad?
For the most part, it goes nowhere. It's just hot.
Some heat runs down his body with sweat, but there is still heat trapped under your horse's saddle pad, doing him no earthly good at all.
In fact, it could be injuring him; heat bumps, white hairs, and some skin injuries are caused by excessive heat.
The Dixie Midnight No-Sweat vent pad lets your horse sweat freely and naturally, with no sweat blockage or entrapment. He's cooler!
The No-Sweat vent pad brings fresh air under your saddle pad to help your horse's sweat to evaporate. He's cooler!
No-Sweat vent pads have been made in America for 26 years, and are comfortably on thousands of horse's backs, world-wide.
Why get one?
Because they work.
Guaranteed to perform as described for as long as you own it, or your money back!
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